House Passes Hamm Legislation to Enhance Life Insurance to PA National Guard
HARRISBURG – Legislation authored by state Rep. Joe Hamm (R-Lycoming/Union) that would further provide for Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) for the PA National Guard passed the House today.

House Bill 1612 addresses a shortcoming in the type of active duty not currently covered under state statute,” said Hamm. “This legislation addresses Federal Activation to assist in an Emergency in another state or Federal jurisdiction, known as Title 32 orders. My bill will ensure that members of the PA National Guard will have life insurance coverage under all types of active duty orders.”

Under existing Pennsylvania law, the SGLI is applicable under the following duty statuses:

• Federal activation for a period of 30 days or more for combat operations and combat zones, known as Title 10 orders, or
• State Activation for active duty for emergencies within Pennsylvania such as flooding, known as EMAC orders.

“As a veteran, I was honored to prime sponsor this legislation to provide much-deserved life insurance for the brave men and women who serve in the Pennsylvania National Guard,” said Hamm. “Fighting for our veterans and military service members will always be one of my top priorities as a State Representative.”

The bill now goes to the Senate for full consideration.

Questions about this or any legislative issue should be directed to Hamm’s district office at 570-546-2084.

Representative Joe Hamm
84th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Huntre Keip