Hamm, Wheeland to Host Gun Law Seminars
HARRISBURG – Reps. Jeff Wheeland and Joe Hamm will host three gun law seminars in the coming months.
The dates and locations are:
• Thursday, Jan. 27, from 6-8 p.m., at the Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company located at 1600 Dewey Ave., Williamsport.
• Wednesday, Feb. 2, from 6-8 p.m., at the Community Baptist Church located at 1853 State Route 87, Montoursville.
• Thursday, March 24, from 6-8 p.m., at the Clinton Township Fire Company located at 2311 Route 54 Highway, Montgomery.
“I am glad to team up with Rep. Wheeland and bring three gun law seminars to our area,” said Hamm (R-Lycoming/Union). “I am a big supporter of the Second Amendment, and it is important for our law-abiding gun owners to learn more about Pennsylvania’s gun laws or even get a refresher on the information they already know.”
“Gun law seminars are a great opportunity for local gun owners and individuals interested in having a concealed carry permit,” said Wheeland (R-Lycoming). “We will have professionals who fully understand Pennsylvania gun laws and the language one may use while carrying a firearm.”
The events will focus on Pennsylvania’s Castle Doctrine and stand-your-ground laws, rules and regulations regarding licenses to carry firearms, safely interacting with police officers while carrying a firearm, and firearm-carry laws related to hunting season.
To register for a seminar, visit repwheeland.com/events or repjoehamm.com/events.
Representative Jeff Wheeland
83rd Legislative District
Representative Joe Hamm
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Huntre Keip