Hamm to Host Senior Scams Seminar
HARRISBURG – Rep. Joe Hamm (R-Lycoming/Union) invites residents of the 84th legislative district to a free Senior Scam Seminar he is hosting on Thursday, Nov. 10 at 10:30 a.m. The event will take place at Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company, 1600 Dewey Ave. in Williamsport.   

“The tactics scammers use to cheat and defraud are constantly evolving. This seminar will include a presentation from the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office on common scams targeting seniors and how to avoid them, as well as discussion on identity theft prevention. This is a great, free resource for constituents to take advantage of, and I hope to see many people there,” Hamm said. 

RSVPs are not required. Questions about the event can be directed to Hamm’s offices at 570-327-2084 or 570-398-4476. 

Representative Joe Hamm
84th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Kevin DiGuiseppe