Hamm Announces $1 Million Grant for Old Lycoming Volunteer Fire Company
HARRISBURG –Rep. Joe Hamm (R-Lycoming/Sullivan) announced today that he secured a $1 million grant for Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company’s Building Construction Project.
“As a member of the Veterans Affairs and Emergency Preparedness Committee, I know how important public safety is in our communities,” said Rep. Hamm. “This grant will allow Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company to make some much needed upgrades to their 30-year-old fire station. As recruiting volunteers becomes tougher, I applaud Old Lycoming Township Volunteer Fire Company for their College Live-In program and making sure that when residents dial 911, they receive help quickly.”
Currently there are three emergency service agencies serving 10 municipalities operating out of the existing station: Williamsport Bureau of Fire, Susquehanna Regional EMS and the township’s volunteer fire company members. This funding will be used to modify the fire station facilities to accommodate the current operational needs and enhance the facility for future recruitment and retention of essential volunteers.
Project upgrades will consist of the construction of dormitory-style bunk rooms, separating the kitchen and lounge areas to accommodate all the functional groups providing services, upgrading the office and administrative areas, and upgrading the bathroom and shower facilities.
Local Share Account grants support public projects that improve the quality of life of citizens in the community and are funded by gaming revenues in the Commonwealth.