Mar. 17, 2023

HARRISBURG –Rep. Joe Hamm (R-Lycoming/Sullivan) announced that he secured Muncy Borough Municipal Authority (MBMA) a $383,700 grant to construct a main water line along South Washington Street in Muncy Borough.

“It was my pleasure to support funding for this vital public infrastructure project in the 84th District. Access to affordable and reliable public water is essential to maintaining thriving communities and attracting businesses to locate and expand in Pennsylvania,” said Rep. Joe Hamm. “The relocation and construction of this water line will protect a potable water source to its end users and allow for future economic growth.”

The proposed project will replace and relocate part of the water main and associated interconnections, beginning at the existing water storage tank and maneuvering through several private easements where it will connect to the current distribution system along South Washington Street. The project will stop potential leaks and rid the system of leaded joints and trabeculated pipe.

Local Share Account grants support public projects that improve the quality of life of citizens in the community and are funded by gaming revenues in the Commonwealth.

Representative Joe Hamm
84th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Katelin Morrison
