Hamm Secures More Than $1.2 Million in State Funding for the 84th District

October 22, 2024

HARRISBURG – State Rep. Joe Hamm (R-Lycoming/Sullivan) announced today more than $1.2 million in state grant funding has been awarded for critical improvements throughout the 84th District. The funding was approved through the Local Share Account (LSA) – Statewide Grant Program, administered by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.

The grant awards are as follows:

• Franklin Township – $65,733 for the purchase of cordless emergency rescue tools and equipment for Lairdsville Community Volunteer Fire Company. These new cordless tools will create greater access to persons trapped within vehicles and replace current tools which are now obsolete.
• Jersey Shore Area Joint Water Authority – $750,000 for the completion of filtration system upgrades at the Larry’s Creek Water Treatment Facility. The current facility is 119 years old and desperately needs repairs to continue serving more than 7,000 customers, including several large employers and medical services in the Jersey Shore area.
• Picture Rocks Borough – $210,000 for stream bank repairs along Water Street to protect the borough from erosion caused by high water events. The project will install modified mudsills and rock vane deflectors to stabilize the stream bank along Water Street, as well as remove old dead trees and replant new trees to provide additional bank stabilization.
• Watson Township – $186,617 for the purchase of a track loader and excavator to reduce ongoing costs of renting the equipment for routine maintenance work for the township.

“I am incredibly grateful to see this funding return to the 84th District,” said Hamm. “These four projects all focus on my top priorities as a State Representative: supporting our volunteer first responder services, providing reliable public infrastructure, implementing commonsense stream maintenance policies and projects, and assisting our rural municipalities.”

The grants were approved by the Commonwealth Financing Authority, which was established as an independent agency that holds fiduciary responsibility over the funding of programs and investments in Pennsylvania’s economic growth.

Representative Joe Hamm
84th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Huntre Keip

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