Rep. Hamm to Host Telephone Town Hall with State Treasurer Stacy Garrity

January 31, 2025

MONTOURSVILLE – Representative Joe Hamm (R-Lycoming/Sullivan) is pleased to announce his next Telephone Town Hall is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12 at 6 p.m. Pennsylvania State Treasurer Stacy Garrity will be participating in the Telephone Town Hall to provide information about unclaimed property and to answer questions about other services she and her office provide, like PA 529 and PA ABLE.

“Please save the date as Treasurer Garrity and I look forward to speaking with the great people of the 84th District, listening to your comments and answering your questions regarding state government,” Hamm said. “Treasurer Garrity has been a fierce advocate for taxpayers since taking office in 2021 and I appreciate her willingness to join me for the Telephone Town Hall.”

Constituents may also listen by dialing 877-229-8493 and using ID Code 120634 or visiting to use the live Web Streaming link during the Telephone Town Hall.

Representative Joe Hamm
84th Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Huntre Keip

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